Monday, June 9, 2008

Catch The Reading Bug

"Catch The Reading Bug" the summer reading program is in full swing at the library thanks to Kara and Allie, interns at the Adam's Homestead and Nature Preserve. A highlight of the week was a visit from Curious George and Buddy from South Dakota Public Broadcasting. About 140 kids attended the event and, from the reports I have received, had a fabulous time! Visit the library to find out more about the reading program and how your child can participate. Mr. Twister will be performing on June 19th at the Adam's Homestead and Nature Preserve. Check with the library staff for more details. (605-422-2366)


Welcome to the North Sioux City Community Library blog. I am at the South Dakota State Library Institute on the campus of Northern State University in Aberdeen, SD and I am learning ways to make our library be the best that it can be. I am anxious to return home and put what I have learned to use.